Since 2011 our Angels in the Alley ~ Foster Kids Christmas event has provided a truly magical experience to hundreds of foster teens who desperately need an evening of non stop fun, endless hugs and a renewed faith in humanity.
We chose to work with Koinonia Homes for Teens because they are such an incredible organization of dedicated professionals who’s sole focus is to provide a supportive family atmosphere to help rebuild these kids and prepare them for a successful future.
In addition to our annual Christmas event, we provide $1500 transitional scholarships for the kids who ‘age out’ of the foster system and are headed into the world entirely on their own.
We work directly with the foster home to help these kids move forward in their lives whether its college, the military, or a new job. Lord knows they need all the help they can get!
To date we have served over 500 foster teens and raised well over $850,000! And enjoyed every moment. Our goal is to support hundreds more and help change their futures.
A common theme among foster teens is their absolute shock that total strangers would go out of their way to do kind things for them, without even knowing them. I see it all the time in their little faces, when we hand them their gifts and in their heartwarming, hand made thank you cards. It takes a box of tissue to get through them all…but I truly cherish each and every one of them.
I will never forget this young lady below…she touched my heart for life. This was the very first present she had ever received!! The thought that someone went to so much effort to buy this for her and wrap it so beautifully, after all the years of feeling ‘not worthy’ of receiving gifts…brought her to absolute sobbing tears (of joy). It completely renewed her faith in human kind.
So when people ask me “why do you do this?”…she always comes to mind.