Our vision in creating Angels in the Alley ~ Foster Kids Christmas is to allow these wonderful foster teens to be ‘little kids again’…typically, for the very first time. Due to their prior circumstances, many of our foster kids have never had the opportunity to just be a kid, no worries, no fears, just pure joy of being a carefree child.
Every year we have at least one child who has never celebrated Christmas before coming to Koinonia Homes for Teens. When Justin came to the foster home he was 17-years old. I met him at one of our Advisory Board meetings…what a wonderful young man! He proceeded to tell us how he was so excited to come to our Angels In The Alley ~ Foster Kids Christmas event because he had never celebrated Christmas before…as the tears welled up in my eyes, I promised Justin that he would have the Christmas of a lifetime…we did not disappoint! We went way over the top in true “Elf Fashion” to make his and all 36-foster teens Christmas, extraordinary!
That big smile on Justin’s face says it all!!

Glow Bowling with unlimited pizza, soda and candy canes…..
Face Painting
Caricature Drawings
Cruiser Bike Giveaway
Custom Decorated Blankets
Wonderful Guest Speakers
Christmas Carol Contests
Photos with Santa and Mrs. Claus
Reading of “Twas the Night Before Angels in the Alley”
Arcade Games
Cupcake Decorating
Santa Hat Decorating
Christmas Stockings with Letters from Santa & More